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This blue lotus reiki oil has been created with the finest ingredients. It is made with a grape seed oil base, essential oils like lavendar, bergamont, blue lotus flowers, olive leaf, balm of gilead, life everlasting, and many more. This oil has been charged with reiki healing energy. Great for meditation, healing, energy work.

Blue lotus works on the sacral, heart, third eye and crown chakras.

1 oz bottle


Blue lotus, nymphaea caerulea. Is a mild psychoactive and anaestheic effects. It was sacred to the Egyptians. Blue lotus is a good remedy for stuck-feeling, depression, and anxiety. Eygptians believe that the god Ra emerged from the golden center of the lotus. Lotus open during the day and close at night. This flower is associated with afterlife and rebirth in Egyptian culture. Lotus are symbols of royalty and rulers. Western herbalism it is considered a sedative, febrifuges, aphrodisac, antidepressant, antioxidant, anti convulsant and anti-inflammatory herb. It has been successfully used to purify the blood, treat tuberculosis, expel worms, parasites, relieve edema, enhance libido and treat erectile dysfunction. It improves lactations, balance blood and sugar levels. Blue lotus has a particular affinity for the kidney, heart and nervous system. Blue lotus can help energize the body and mind. This is due to predominatley active constituents, the alkaloids. Nuciferine and Aporphine. Nuciferine acts as a dopamine receptor blocker while Aporphine functions as a dopamin agonist that activates dopamine receptors, essentially the opposite effect of Nuciferine, creating a happy uplifting and euphoric feeling. Blue lotus assist in emotional reprogramming. This flower energetic medicine is that of moving stagnant emotional energies and it can be a potent remedy for stuck feeling depression and anxiety.

Blue lotus is a wonderful tool for renewal of all sorts. The alkaloid compounds mentioned above work as alkalizing , bitter agents, serving to move and detoxify our digestive and heart center system.

Blue lotus induces theta brain waves can be a powerful reprogramming tools while ingesting.

Blue Lotus Reiki Oil (1 oz)

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